In this post I will explain how to handle a zip file using standard python libraries.
Creating a New Zip File
To create a new archive, simple instantiate the ZipFile with a mode of "w". To add files, use the write() method.
By default, the contents of the archive are not compressed (zipfile.ZIP_STORED). To add compression, the zlib module is required.
import zipfile try: import zlib compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED except: compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED zf = zipfile.ZipFile("", mode="w") try: zf.write("test.txt", compress_type=compression) finally: zf.close()
Getting the zip file information
Testing if it is a valid zip file
The is_zipfile() function returns a boolean indicating whether or not the filename passed as an argument refers to a valid ZIP file (based on its magic number ).
#!/usr/bin/env python import zipfile zipfilename = ["", "example2.txt", ""] for filename in zipfilename: print(str(filename) + " " + str(zipfile.is_zipfile(filename)))
If you execute the script you get: True example2.txt False True
If the file does not exist at all, is_zipfile() returns False.
Read the names of the files in an ZIP File
To read the names of the files in an existing archive, use namelist()
#!/usr/bin/env python import zipfile zf = zipfile.ZipFile("", "r") print(zf.namelist) zf.close()
The return value is a list of strings with the names of the archive contents:
Reading Meta-data from a ZIP Archive
To access all of the meta-data about the ZIP contents, use the infolist() or getinfo() methods.
#!/usr/bin/env python import datetime import zipfile zf = zipfile.ZipFile("", "r") for info in zf.infolist(): print(info.filename) print(" Comment: " + str(info.comment)) print(" Modified: " + str(datetime.datetime(*info.date_time))) print(" System: " + str(info.create_system) + " (0=MS-DOS OS-2, 3=Unix)") print(" ZIP version: " + str(info.create_version)) print(" Compressed: " + str(info.compress_size) + " bytes") print(" Uncompressed: " + str(info.file_size) + " bytes") zf.close()
Which returns the information of the files inside the zip:
test.txt Comment: Modified: 2016-09-20 23:08:46 System: 3 (0=MS-DOS OS-2, 3=Unix) ZIP version: 63 Compressed: 548 bytes Uncompressed: 1278 bytes
There are additional fields other than those printed here, but deciphering the values into anything useful requires careful reading of the ZIP file specification.
Extracting Archived Files From a ZIP Archive
To unzip a file simply do the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python import zipfile zipfilename = "" password = None # open and extract all files in the zip z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, "r") try: z.extractall(pwd=password) except: print('Error') pass zf.close()
Notes and Limitations:
- The zipfile module does not support ZIP files with appended comments, or multi-disk ZIP files. It does support ZIP files larger than 4 GB that use the ZIP64 extensions.
- zipfile only supporting traditional PKWARE encryption method, if you try a WinZip AES-256 encrypted zip, zipfile.extractall raises a RuntimeError "Bad password for file" when given the correct password.